Kind and Generous

I wrote a post the other day about being thankful for many things in my life.  The most important thing that I am thankful for is that I have amazing people in my life.  Here is a thank you to all the people who have loved me and cared for me throughout my life.

When I think of where I am in my life, I know that I could not have made it to this point without my wonderful family and friends.  I am so blessed to be supported and nurtured and loved by special people who forgive me for my faults and see the best in me as I make my way through the world.

I never could have come this far without you.

I feel as if I have an army of friends who lift me up with their prayers and kind words and actions.  As I walk this road toward reduced vision, I draw so much strength from these amazing people.  When I am sad or afraid, they let me know that I am loved.  When I am happy and successful, they celebrate and affirm me.  I could not keep traveling this road by myself.

My family and friends keep my feet on the path.  They remind me to look for beauty in the world.  They shower me with love.  They are scattered all over the world, so I know that someone is always available to me.  Some of my friends I have known for years.  Some, I have never met in “real” life.  Some I talk to in person, some on the phone, some online, some by snail mail.  No matter how we communicate, they listen and offer their own thoughts and give me reassurance that everything will be okay, that I will be okay.

This Thanksgiving, I say to all my family and friends

I want to thank you for your generosity, the love and the honesty that you gave me
I want to thank you, show my gratitude, my love and my respect for you,
I wanna thank you.

Thank you.  I love you.  I could never have come this far without you.

2 thoughts on “Kind and Generous

  1. thank you for all you and john have done for us by deed and example, but especially for what you have done for “our” ben

  2. Hallo Belinda Another beautiful worded blog! I so wish my own life was as happy as yours. I’m never sure of the time up your way. I wish you and your family a happy and blessed Thanksgiving day! I think we should all celebrate Thanksgiving day no matter where in the world we live.

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